If yours is not covered, email us at support@oneroofapp.com or have feedback for us, fill out this form


What is a shire?

A shire is your hyper-local circle within a 5-minute walk! Shire is the new face of 21st-century urban neighborhoods that are community-driven, and grassroots, where people belong and unite under OneRoof.

Who is in my nearby?

We believe in hyper-local connections, so bounded a ‘neighborhood’ to be within a 5 min walk to your address, to connect you with your most relevant and convenient neighbors

Can people in my nearby see my address?

No, they will not be able to see your building address; they will only be able to view your profile.

Are there community rules?

Yes! OneRoof is designed to be a peaceful, respectful, and inclusive environment. Below are some of the community rules.

- Only for people who live in the building
- Inclusive of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities
- No hate speech, aggressive or harassing comments
- Attempt to solve issues with specific tenants on your own or with management first
- Respect privacy, don’t share group posts with non-tenants without permission
- No promotion of self interests allowed

Please see our full list of community rules and guidelines here.

What can I do if I see someone post harmful content?

When you encounter any message that you believe includes harmful, ill-intended, harassing, or illegal content, please flag it right away! You can flag a message by long tapping on the message bubble and selecting "Flag Message". Any flagged message will be sent to OneRoof's content moderation team for their review. As a result of the review, the flagged message could be removed from the chat, and the user who has posted it could also be temporarily or permanently banned from using the app. This process is further described in OneRoof's Terms & Conditions.

How can I refer a neighbor?

1. On the main chat room page, you will see an emoji of a person with a + in the top right corner. Click that, and a pop-up will appear where you can locate your building code, personal invite link, and personal QR code. If you want to collect points for inviting others, please only use your personal 'invite link' or 'QR code'.

2. If you want to refer a neighbor who doesn't live in your building, please share our email hello@oneroofapp.com, with them to setup a OneRoof community in their building.

Can my landlord access our chat? 

No. OneRoof is for neighbors only.

How much does this app cost? 

It’s free! You can download the OneRoof app for free from Apple Store or Google Play.

I am having trouble uploading photos as a message.

If you are having issues uploading photos, please check the following depending on your device.
1. Go to your phone settings
2. Click on Privacy and Security
3. Click on Photos
4. Click on ‘OneRoof’
5. Click on ‘All Photos’ to allow permission for OneRoof to access your photo library and allow you to post.
1. On your phone, open the Settings app.Tap Apps.Tap OneRoof. If you can't find it, tap See all apps.
4. Tap Permissions.If you allowed or denied any permissions for the app, you’d find them here.To change a permission setting, tap it, then choose Allow or Don't allow.

How do I sign-up?

 Please download the app from here -> Android / IOS       
  * Tap "Create an account"                
* Enter your Name                            
*  Enter your email add, password and tap on sign up                            

How can we remove a user who is no longer living in the building?

 Please email us at support@oneroofapp.com 

How do I report a user?

1. Please flag the message you would like to report, or
2. Please send us an email at support@oneroofapp.com and a brief description of why you reported that user.

Do I need to ask management to create a group in my building?

No need, We are an app for neighbors by neighbors only.

How can I tell my neighbors about the app? 

Ways on how to invite neighbors to join the app:
* Share your personal link                              
* Request Door hangers or posters

How do I get reimbursement for the event that I hosted?

Email support@oneroofapp.com to see if you qualify. Only pre-approved events will receive reimbursement.

Do you sell my information to any parties? 

We respect privacy and don’t sell any data (as we wouldn’t want our data to be sold), You can see our privacy policy by clicking here. Privacy Policy 

How can I block someone? 

- Open the app and open chat room sections by clicking the icon located at the bottom left of the page
- Then click on any chat room that the person also participates in
- Click on the name of the chat room
- Here you can see the list of people
- Click the three dots located besides the name of the person you want to block
- Here you can click the block option and block that person

Why are you asking for info on my profile? 

We encourage all neighbors to fill out their profiles so that other neighbors can learn more about you and feel comfortable connecting. Your apartment # and email remain private and are just required to verify your account.

How can I delete my account? 

Go here to delete your account.
Or if you have recently moved, check in settings if your new building exists by clicking ‘Join the new community”.

Can I access the app using my laptop or computer? 

OneRoof building chat groups are currently only available through the phone app.

Are you ready to meet your neighbors?

Get OneRoof 👇