How to Start and Engage Your Neighbor Community

Have you joined a new neighbor community but no one’s talking in it? Try these steps to stir up some conversation.

Credit to David Spinks

A question we get a lot from Super Neighbors is how to engage their community on OneRoof. You’ve done all the heavy lifting of spreading the word, and getting neighbors to join, but no one is talking yet.
Getting neighbors into your neighbor community is just the first step. From there, the biggest challenge is creating a space that is both welcoming and productive for neighbors to use your hyper-local neighbor community to interact. Here are some tips from a community expert, on how to get others to engage.

David Spinks (the creator of CMX Hub) has created a model to demonstrate the community member's journey. Let’s break it down into steps to help you engage your neighbor community. 

1. Invite Neighbors

Invite neighbors into your neighbor community.

2. Fill Out Your Profile

Ensure you have filled out your profile and added a photo so neighbors can see familiar faces and get a sense of those who have joined when neighbors join. Encourage friends and other neighbors to add a photo as well!

3. Introduce Yourself

Create an intro message in the “General” channe to break the ice and get others to do the samel.

4. Welcome

As new members join and read your intro, welcome them as well! You can do this in the ‘Introductions’ chat room by tagging them and saying ‘Hi’, or clicking on their profile and sending over a ‘Wave’. This will make others feel more welcome. Also, if you’ve noticed they have completed your profile and wrote something interesting, don’t be shy to send a more personal message over.

5. Start Conversations

Try starting conversations in some of the different groups. For example, in the Social Events channel - “Does anyone know of anything fun happening this weekend?”, for Music Fans - “Any good concerts coming up?” in Pet Parents - “Does anyone know of a good groomer in the area?”

6. Host A Meet-Up

Once you’ve noticed a few neighbors have started to engage, this is a great time to host your first neighbor meet-up. To do this, create an event in the Event Section and then share it in the General chat asking others to RSVP if interested.